My dear parents;
I know that I am not the child that you wished for, I still remember the time when you were overwhelmed by birth. you were excited to see my smile through your thick and thins. Moreover my growth had given you all the hope for the betterment in your life. Time passed by when everyone at my age were speaking and you were eagerly waiting for me to speak, but little do we know that I was mute. Maybe I should say karma was responsible for that. All hopes came thrashing down when you and I finally gave up the hope for my speaking ability.
Today everyone around me saw me like deaf and dumb, I wish I could have friends to share my feelings, however everyone laughs at me when I start expressing my emotions through my hand signals, like that of traffic police. Obviously nobody has more unexpressed feelings like I do, usually mouth serves dual purpose for everyone; eating and speaking but my mouth is structured only for eating. Everyone goes to temple to pray for god to fill their life with success and happiness eradicating all sorts of problems including illness. Controversially I visit temple just to beg for god to grant me the speaking ability because I at least want to know how my voice sounds as my voice is still a mystery for me.
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